as i'm sitting in my little dorm room with scattered dirty laundry and over 10 to-do lists littering my desk, my attempt to get some homework out of the way has officially been put on hold to reflect on an incredible weekend in my new place of residence. most importantly, gelato was consumed every day and i have officially decided (upon various tastings) that Los Italianos has both the best quality and prices in all of granada...my addiction continues.
since it had been scorching hot in my part of the Iberian peninsula (pushing 100), saturday during the day was fairly uneventful. but, as the sun went down and temperature followed suit, i emerged from the air conditioned residencia to partake in what is sure to be one of the most fantastic spanish evenings thus far. the evening started off right with two delicious local tapas restaurants.
***here is an important time to interject and explain the 'tapas' concept, for those who have been missing out. a tapa is a small plate of food that is served (for free) when you order a drink. these small plates can consist of eggs and potatoes, fried meat with potato chips, mixed vegetables with sauce, and basically tons of meat dishes. this tradition only really remains in granada, so if you want to get on this magic you must come visit!!!
continuing on...after filling up on tapas and tintos, we met up with some spanish students who took us to a cool, cozy salsa dancing bar. i whipped out those salsa moves i learned from ucsb and did my best...i may need a refresher course or two. it was a blast--epic time dancing with friends and getting some lessons from the more experienced salsa guys. after salsa dancing for a couple hours, it was time to move on to more dancing at a little discoteca near our dorm. the california girls broke it down on the dance floor. it is moments such as these that remind me that making a fool out of myself while busting out dance moves and laughing with good company are two simple things that make life a little richer. anywho, it was a night to remember.

the following sunday was full of outdoor adventure. since granada is conveniently located at the base of the Sierra Nevada mountains, our little EAP group took a bus to the base of the lower range to do some beautiful hiking in a semi-bizarre terrain: super rocky, few pines, interesting rock formations... in short, it was gorgeous and a great work out. there's something about the outdoors that helps to put everything in perspective.
alrighty, i feel like there is so much to write and so little time. plus, i don't want to bore you guys just yet. more to come soon!